Cottageville Park Expansion

In 2015, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) partnered with the City of Hopkins to restore and update Cottageville Park. The park expansion included the addition of a new park shelter, updated play area, community garden, trails, signage, and an underground regional stormwater treatment system. New vegetation along the creek prevents streambank erosion and creates habitat for fish and wildlife. Residents and the surrounding community now enjoy a park and adjoining creek and greenway where everyone is welcome. The partnership between MCWD and the City of Hopkins on the park expansion led to the development of the adjacent affordable housing development, Oxford Village.
Prior to project development, Cottageville Park occupied a small, mostly hidden portion of the current park site and experienced significant criminal activity. With an improved park facility and new stormwater treatment areas at Cottageville Park, the community and the creek have both benefited. However, in 2020, Hopkins and MCWD identified an opportunity to improve the park further by pursuing enhancements to be completed in 2025. The Cottageville Park expansion is a collaborative project that will integrate and enhance both the natural and built environments and turn the area into a place for fun and connection along the Blake Road corridor. The park is part of the Minnehaha Creek Greenway, a stretch of more than 109 acres of continuous green space (existing and planned) along what was the most degraded portion of Minnehaha Creek.
Project Updates
summer 2023
MCWD recently completed the design of Phase 2 of the Cottageville Park Expansion, which once constructed, will tie the park into the surrounding urban fabric and provide a connection to the Minnehaha Creek Greenway at the adjacent 325 Blake Road site. At the intersection of Lake Street and Blake Road, Phase 2 will include a gateway plaza that welcomes users to the Minnehaha Creek Greenway and provide a scenic overlook of the creek and the existing park. Across Lake Street, a nature-based playground and access point for Minnehaha Creek will serve families anticipated to live at 325 Blake Road.
Project Timeline

Planning Phase
Planning Phase
Phase 1:
2012 — Initial site survey completed, and project planning begins
2013 — Project concept reviewed
Phase 2:
2020 — Phase 2 planning begins
2021 — Phase 2 Planning concludes

Design Phase
Design Phase
Phase 1:
October 2013 — Project design begins
February 2014 — Public review of 100% Design
March 2014 — Cottageville Park Project ordered by the Board of Managers with Resolution 14-023
May 2014 — Public meeting held to gather public input on the project
June 2014 — 100% Design completed, bid for construction awarded
Phase 2:
2021 — Community engagement events and surveys conducted as part of 325 Blake Road Restoration and Redevelopment to guide Phase 2 design
May 2023 — Phase 2 design completed and approved with Resolution 23-026

Construction Phase
Construction Phase
Phase 1:
April 2015 — Project construction begins
October 2015 — Project Phase 1 construction complete
Phase 2:
2024 — Construction begins on Phase 2 structures
2025 — Construction on Phase 2 completed

Project completion
Project Completion
Phase 1:
September 2015 — Ribbon cutting ceremony for Phase 1 completion
October 2015 — Cottageville Park Expansion Phase 1 completed
Phase 2:
2025 — Second phase completed
By the Numbers
of stormwater treated
of sediment reduced annually
of phosphorus reduced annually
of stream bank restored
Project Highlights
- Increased vegetation along streambank for fish and wildlife habitat
- Valuable green space in a highly developed area
- New play area
- New park shelter for community gatherings
- Gateway plaza
- ADA accessible picnic tables
- Community garden
- Interpretive signage and exhibits
- Creek access with stepping stones and seating
- Stormwater management system that improves water quality
All metrics anticipated upon project completion.
The restoration and enhancement of Cottageville Park was made possible by an innovative partnership between the City of Hopkins, MCWD, the Blake Road Corridor Collaborative and the Clean Water, Land & Legacy Fund. This partnership unites mutual priorities to create a framework for integrated land use planning that pairs community benefit with water resource management.
Project Cost: $3,568,388
By acting in partnership, the City of Hopkins and MCWD were able to leverage funds to better achieve each organization’s goals. The MCWD also received a $483,000 grant from the Clean Water Land & Legacy Fund to help fund the water quality improvements at Cottageville Park.