Working Together for Thriving Communities
The lakes, streams, and wetlands that make up our landscape create a sense of place that provides local identify, economic value, and community well-being. These water resources are impacted by what happens on the land. That’s why sustainable, healthy communities are built on a foundation of integrated planning between land use and water resources.
To advance our mission, we collaborate with public and private partners in a focused, flexible, and responsive manner to create win-win opportunities that maximize natural resource benefits and the goals of our communities.

Creating Shared Benefit
We have learned that true partnership requires a strong understanding of our partners’ goals, allowing us to add value to their work, whether it’s private development, a park improvement, a small area plan, or an infrastructure project. By coordinating early, we can collaborate from the visioning stage, through planning, feasibility, engagement and permitting, to partner on projects that provide benefits to communities and our water resources.
To best serve our partners, we are committed to building systems for early coordination in the development and planning processes, allowing us to remain responsive to opportunities across the watershed, while also focusing our resources in areas of highest need.

Focal Geographies
We intentionally focus on a specific area for years at a time, driven by our understanding of greatest natural resource need and opportunity for impact. This allows us to develop the knowledge and relationships to make lasting change.

Collaborative Permitting
We issue permits for a variety of activities that impact land and water within the watershed. This process is frequently an on-ramp for opportunity: a chance to provide service, grow relationships, and create mutual value.

Land & Water Partnership
This program facilitates partnership opportunities throughout our watershed and fosters regular contact with our communities. We provide technical and financial support for partner projects that benefit water resources.
Win-win Solutions
Through this approach, we’ve been fortunate to participate in high-impact, collaborative projects that create environmental, economic, and social benefits.
Make a Difference in Your Community
Are you looking to make a positive impact in the watershed? There are many things you can do to promote clean water.