Making a Measurable Impact
Clean water and a healthy environment are essential to vibrant, thriving communities. Through partnership, we build capital projects that improve water quality, minimize flooding, and enhance recreation opportunities, and restore natural ecosystems throughout the watershed. By aligning our work with the goals of our partners, we achieve lasting environmental, social, and economic benefits for all.
As a regional agency covering more than 178 square miles, we focus our efforts strategically to deliver measurable results across the entire watershed.

Two Ways We Deliver Results

By dedicating resources in a specific area over a period of years, we deepen our understanding of local priorities, and are able to create large-scale, lasting water resource benefits that are integrated with the needs of surrounding communities.

We remain responsive to emerging opportunities for regional impact that arise from the work of cities, counties, developers, and landowners throughout the watershed, by integrating shared priorities into our capital improvement plan.