West End Redevelopment

In 2007, Duke Realty (a developer) applied for a Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) permit for the proposed redevelopment of a 35-acre site located at the southwest intersection of Highway 100 and 394. Given the scale of the development, and its proximity to Brownie Lake, which was not meeting state water quality standards, MCWD saw an opportunity for greater water quality improvement. MCWD and Duke Realty agreed to partner on the development to incorporate additional clean water infrastructure on the site. The project involved installing an underground storage chamber to hold stormwater and infiltrate it into the ground, a green roof to reduce the volume of stormwater runoff, and “slot storm drains” that run horizontally to the road and serve to water the trees along the sidewalk rather than being directly discharged into the storm sewer.
By integrating these additional stormwater management practices into the West End development, the project significantly reduced the nutrients and volume of runoff draining to Brownie Lake, allowing the lake to meet water quality standards.
Project Timeline

Planning Phase
Planning Phase
2007 — Project planning begins
July 2007 — Duke Realty applied for MCWD permit
2007 — MCWD and Duke Realty explore opportunities for water quality improvement
April 2008 — MCWD approves funding for project

Design Phase
Design Phase
November 2007 — Design contract approved

Construction Phase
Construction Phase
April 2009 — Construction begins
August 2010 — Construction of structured soils and slot drains completed

Project completion
Project Completion
2013 — Project completed
By the Numbers
runoff volume reduction
of Annual phosophorus reduction
Project Highlights
- Underground storage chambers to hold and filter stormwater
- A green roof to soak up rainwater and reduce volume of runoff
- “Slot storm drains” that run horizontally to the road and water the trees along the sidewalk
- Brownie lake meets water quality standards
This partnership opportunity was identified through MCWD’s review of the permit application for development. Duke Realty agreed to partner with MCWD, in coordination with the City of St. Louis Park, to explore how stormwater treatment systems could be integrated in a way that complemented and enhanced the development.