Minnehaha Parkway Stormwater Management

Working in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is developing a shared implementation framework for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan, a 30-year vision to enhance recreation, improve ecological function of the creek corridor, promote public safety, address flooding, and advance water quality in the Minneapolis segment of the Minnehaha Creek corridor. Currently in the planning phase, MCWD is identifying priority capital improvements in the Minnehaha Parkway. With this foundation, MPRB, the City of Minneapolis, and MCWD will initiate capital projects. Projects may include creek re-meandering, ecological restoration, stormwater management, and new creek access points.
Minnehaha Creek is an iconic regional and cultural natural resource. It is considered an impaired water body for multiple parameters, including fecal coliform bacteria, chloride, low dissolved oxygen, and fish and macroinvertebrate communities. Additionally, the downstream receiving water body, Lake Hiawatha, has been identified as impaired for excess nutrients. Minnehaha Creek is further impacted by rapidly fluctuating water flows that contribute to bank erosion and impair the ecological integrity of the stream. This project combines the shared goals and mutual benefits of MCWD’s partners to provide solutions for impairments and achieve Minnehaha Parkway Regional Master Plan goals.

Project Updates
Summer 2023
MCWD is currently working with the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to align goals and determine next steps for advancing improvements along the Minnehaha Parkway.
Project Timeline

Planning Phase
Planning Phase
2022 – Planning phase begins
2024 – Planning phase ends

Design Phase
Design Phase
2024 – Design phase begins
2025 – Design phase ends

Construction Phase
Construction Phase
2026 – Construction begins
2028 – Construction ends

Project completion
Project Completion
2028 – Anticipated project completion
By the Numbers
of re-meandered creek
of upland landscape restoration
of phosphorous reduction each year
of new floodplain storage capacity
Project Highlights
- Water quality improvements
- New creek accesses
- Streambank restoration
- Stormwater treatment features
- Wildlife habitat restoration
All metrics anticipated upon completion.
Completion of this project will require a strong partnership with the City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) to create a shared implementation framework for the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan, a 30 year vision to improve the Minneapolis segment of the Minnehaha Creek corridor.

Project Cost: $1,600,000
MCWD will determine funding sources in later phases of the project.