Mader Wetland Bank

In 2014, the Mader Family Trust was considering selling their 77-acre parcel for development. They were interested in maximizing their financial return while also preserving the site’s natural heritage, including a large wetland complex, as a family legacy. The Mader family reached out to MCWD early in their planning process to learn more about the district’s permitting rules.
This sparked some creative problem solving and a collaboration between MCWD, the landowner, and the City of Minnetrista. The partners worked together on a plan to restore 42 acres of wetland and upland buffer, which provided significant natural resource benefits including improved wildlife habitat and flood storage. MCWD provided technical assistance to the landowner, which allowed them to pursue the banking opportunity that might have otherwise been a challenge. The restoration plan also provided the opportunity for the Mader family to take advantage of city density increases allowed through conservation development, which allowed four additional lots within the subdivision and increased the value for the landowner, the city, and the developer.
Project Timeline

Planning Phase
Planning Phase
August 2014 — MCWD and the Mader Family trust enter Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
2014 — MCWD developed concept plan
2015 — Mader Family Trust pursued U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland banking application process

Design Phase
Design Phase
2015 — Mader family led the design of the wetland restoration
2015— Permit secured for conservation development

Construction Phase
Construction Phase
2015 — Construction of the residential development completed by Mader Family Trust
2017— Construction of the wetland restoration completed by Mader Family Trust
2017— Wetland bank established

Project completion
Project Completion
2019 — Completed
2022 — Final credits for the wetland bank are sold
By the Numbers
of wetland and buffer restored
additional Revenue generated for landowners
Project Highlights
- Wetland restoration
- Habitat restoration
- Created the first private wetland bank in MCWD
This project was made possible by partnership with the Mader Family Trust. MCWD also partnered with the City of Minnetrista to support the restoration and credit banking of the Mader Wetland.

The wetland restoration was funded by the Mader Family Trust as part of the residential development. MCWD provided technical assistance to develop the concept plan and determine the feasibility of the wetland restoration.