
The East Auburn wetland corridor is a system of wetlands originating at the outlet of Wassermann Lake and flowing north toward Highway 5 to the inlet of Lake Auburn in Victoria. The wetland corridor includes part of Six Mile Creek and contains several types of wetlands. MCWD is partnering with the City of Victoria to plan a restoration of the East Auburn wetland, which will improve water quality flowing toward Lake Auburn. The project will significantly reduce phosphorus, a nutrient that pollutes freshwater ecosystems.

MCWD has worked with the City of Victoria to improve water quality in many of the lakes in the Six Mile Creek-Halsted Bay subwatershed, which is the headwaters of the Minnehaha Creek watershed. Water quality improvements in this area will also impact water quality downstream. MCWD’s research and monitoring team determined that the water flowing out of the East Auburn wetland has the highest nutrient loading in the corridor, making it a key target for a significant restoration in the area.

At a Glance

  • Victoria
  • Six Mile Creek – Halsted Bay Subwatershed
  • Status: Planning
  • 2024

MCWD Staff Contact

Michael Hayman



Project Cost



Project Updates

Summer 2023

MCWD recently completed a feasibility assessment for project opportunities for the East Auburn Wetland restoration. Next steps include exploring design options, clarifying the project budget, and identifying potential funding sources for the project’s design and construction.

Project Timeline

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Planning Phase

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Planning Phase

2022 – Planning phase begins

Spring 2023 – Feasibility study conducted

Summer 2023 – Planning phase ends

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Design Phase

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Design Phase

Summer 2023 – Design phase begins

Winter 2023 – Design phase ends

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Construction Phase

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Construction Phase

2024 – Construction phase begins

2024 – Construction phase ends

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Project completion

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Project Completion

2024 – Anticipated project completed

By the Numbers



phosphorus reduced annually



of wetland restored

Project Highlights

  • Wetland restoration
  • Wildlife habitat restoration
  • Nutrient reduction in Auburn Lakes
  • Additional flooding capacity

All metrics anticipated upon completion.


MCWD will work with the City of Victoria to restore the East Auburn wetland, continuing an impactful partnership that has yielded many projects in the Six Mile Creek-Halsted Bay subwatershed.

city of Victoria


Project Cost: $625,000

MCWD is still in the early stages of planning and designing the East Auburn Wetland Restoration. Final budget and funding sources will be determined later in the project planning process.