Stormwater is usually viewed as a burden to be managed but it also can be a great resource. The pollutants found in stormwater — phosphorus and nitrogen — are the same chemicals that grass, plants and trees need to thrive.
Using stormwater instead of drinking water for watering the lawn, putting out fires, and other tasks conserves resources and reduces the amount of polluted stormwater that enters our lakes, rivers and streams.
Rain barrels are an easy way to collect and use rainwater for your yard and landscape plants. They range in size from 50 gallons to 130 gallons. In addition, a rain garden can be paired with a rain barrel for water overflow.
You can build your own rain barrel or buy a pre-made one. An easy pour spout allows you to connect a hose or fill a watering can. It is important to ensure that the water is closed off to bugs and debris.
For more information:
- Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Study, completed in 2013 and funded by the MCWD and Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
- Stormwater Harvesting in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Visit Recycling Association of Minnesota to find inexpensive barrels